Class Expectations and Procedures

I find it very important that the student's learning experience is when they come to school; ready, organized, and prepared. The expectations I have for them is that they are:

>Ready to learn

>All their materials are with them. This includes but not limited to: notebooks, pencils, homework, binder, and agenda.

>They are organized.

> They are always try their best.



Students begin their day on green. If they stay green the whole entire day, they receive a ticket.

If student gets on yellow, it is a verbal warning and they have to earn their way on to green. They may receive a ticket if they return on green.

If student gets on blue, the student must give me a ticket and they lost the opportunity to go back on green.

If student gets on red, the student then loses either a privilege such as recess, note/email/phone call home/ or they get detention depending on the reason why they got to red.


Tickets can be earned outside of the color system such as but not limited to: correct line procedure, helping a friend, being prepared. Tickets can be taken away if student continues to not follow expectations or procedures.

Tickets are traded in for rewards such as treasure chest, mystery coupon, stickers, pencils, or candy. Parents can donate items for rewards, please see class wishlist tab.